Working with Un.titled was a pleasure. The scoping process for the site gave us a unique insight into who our customers are and the journey they take when visiting our site, which was fundamental to the final build. Our website now reflects more effectively who we are and what we do. In the first 6 months since the launch, we have seen our engagement levels rise significantly.
Guy Smith, Director of Business Performance, The Culture Trust Luton
What some of our clients say
The end result totally satisfies what we wanted for the site and is testament to how well Un.titled understood our audience’s needs and motivations.
Holly McGrane, Marketing Manager

Broadway has been around for 30 years and our customers are extremely loyal – which brings many challenges when making such wholesale changes. Un.titled were patient with us as we worked through this project and considered all the feedback we were receiving from the audience and our staff. Having a team that are always ready to respond to the multiple challenges you face as a client is always important and Un.titled certainly delivered for us.
Stewart Terry, Director of Marketing and Communications
Want to find out more?
To successfully create brand recognition and do things that resonate with your customers, you need to be consistent with your tone of voice and purposeful with how you use it.
If your content is bland, devoid of personality, frequently changing in style and message and generally discombobulating, audiences may not to know exactly what you’re all about.
If this happens, your efforts could well fall flat. Companies with better branding could supersede you, regardless of their product quality.
This is where brand building comes into its own.
“The art of marketing is the art of brand building. If you are not a brand you are a commodity. Then price is everything and the low-cost producer is the only winner.”
Professor Philip Kotler, marketing author, consultant, and Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, USA
What does this mean for you? It’s not just about providing a good service or good prices. It's competitive out there, so you need to register with potential customers in a way that sticks in their mind.
Tone of voice and the success of implementing it across the board can have a major impact in achieving this brand recognition.
To establish your tone of voice, we feel you need to involve a mix of voices. These voices should represent the full breadth of your organisation, including your customer base.
Features include
Data analysis
We survey your existing user base and compile data on how your current audience interacts with your brand. By analysing the information we gather, it’s easier to understand where your audience currently is, and pin down ways to enhance your tone of voice in order to engage with them more readily.
Tone of voice workshops
Our tone of voice service centres around workshopping your needs directly with you. This is where we identify what makes you you. We carry out a series of exercises - for example celebrity ambassadors, scales of voice, ‘we’re this, not that’ - bringing together your audience and the best tone of voice to engage with them via.
Tone of voice guideline creation
Once we’ve carried out our analysis and workshops, we’ll create a set of tone of voice guidelines and share them with you. These are actionable insights that can help you implement your tone of voice across all communication formats consistently and effectively.
Check in
Finally, just when you think you’ve got rid of us, we’ll check-in to see how you’re getting on. We’ll also check if there are any areas you need further help with - be that search, PPC and/or embedding your new and improved tone of voice back into the way you create content.
Frequently asked questions
How does Un.titled approach a tone of voice project?
We ask for you to share as much audience data with us and at the same time bring together the best people from across your organisation, representing the different customer and audience touch points. Via the tone of the voice workshop, we then look to identify the perfect tone of voice for your brand. And we continue to work closely with you throughout the process. We will be your collaborative partner.
Who should have an input on tone of voice?
We believe in allowing a mix of voices to have an input on the direction your tone of voice takes. You need voices that reflect the full breadth of your organisation - not just a specific part of it. We therefore encourage participants from across your business to take part in our tone of voice workshops.
What types of exercises can I expect in a typical tone of voice workshop?
During the workshop, we will carry out a number of exercises to help you get to grips with how you want your tone of voice to be. These include celebrity ambassador exercises, scales of voice, ‘we’re this, not that’, and brand charts.
How long will this take?
Generally speaking, Un.titled’s tone of voice work takes between three and five weeks. The length of time will be dependent on your availability, what data you might or might not have and how in-depth you want to be.